Eimskip celebrated its 110th anniversary at the beginning of the year 2024. Since its establishment, the Company has been interwoven the history of the Icelandic nation and carried an important societal role throughout its existence. During Iceland’s campaign for independence, Eimskip played a principal part, not the least because an independent island nation needs to be able to employ its own measures when it comes to the transportation of goods, which is the foundation for international trade. Reliable liner service in the North Atlantic, based on strong infrastructure and experienced employees, is the core foundation for our valuable export goods reaching the foreign markets swiftly and safely. At the same time, Icelanders are able to enjoy imported fresh foods that were unavailable to us in earlier times. We now consume fruit and vegetables imported with speed and under the prime conditions and handling that only refrigerated container transportation can provide. The extensive international freight-forwarding network that Eimskip has built in the recent decades has furthermore expanded the Company’s product range, and provides customers with comprehensive freight solutions worldwide.
We live in an ever-changing world whose tides ebb and flow. A shipping company operating in the rough sea of the North Atlantic is not left untouched by the powers of nature, and is quite literally affected each day. Our long history is a tapestry of success and setbacks, however despite vicissitudes, results are predominantly beneficial to all. Increasing customer demand for speed and customised services, along with the digitalization of the fourth industrial revolution, encourage us even further in the quest for digital transformation that has been a signature theme in our strategy in the recent years. Sustainability has an ever-growing presence in the operation of companies. Eimskip has set ambitious goals in this regards, goals which will require ample investment in the coming years, not the least when it comes to the renewal of our vessel fleet.
The market for talented employees is progressively competitive, and we know that in order to attract and keep competent workforce we need to offer a desirable workplace and vast opportunities for learning, development, and empowerment for our employees. At the same time, it is clear that the Company’s performance needs to be adequate so as to fulfil the financial commitments necessary to meet the demands of shareholders, employees, and customers. Therefore, we allow ourselves to be conservative in our base operation, where active cost control and rationality guide us in daily decision-making.
Through the years, Eimskip has become an increasingly international company. Earnings based on geographically dispersed locations bring strength to the Company. The Company’s home market is now defined by an area that reaches from Northern Norway to the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, and the New England area on the East Coast of the United States. This market area suits us well. Common aspects that these regions share are: prosperity, high levels of education, a rich fishing heritage, and economies driven by export and import.
Eimskip captures the opposites of the old and the new, the progressive and the conservative. We understand the importance of maintaining the old and trusted, the rich heritage of the Company, while at the same time remaining brave, original and bold. We do not consider these qualities as opposites, but rather as forces that need to be utilised in harmony. That way, we will achieve the greatest results.
Icelandic industry, Icelandic society, and Eimskip have been steadfast companions for 110 years. We hope that we may have the good fortune to continue this remarkable journey for the years to come.

A Year of Swift Changes
Overall, we are pleased with the financial results of 2023, marking the second-highest earnings in the company’s history. Our recent journey of streamlining, integration, and focused revenue management has proven successful. We see our core operations performing at a new and healthy level, allowing for investments that support future growth and development. These strategic changes, combined with our unique position as a niche carrier in the North-Atlantic with a global presence in reefer logistics, have created a robust operational and commercial foundation. However, our business is not immune to the external environment. In 2023, the normalization of the global shipping market continued after the extraordinary global rate increases resulting from the pandemic. The weakened global economy and past years’ inflation further affected the cost basis of our operations. Inevitably, we experienced some pressure on margins in our liner operations, affecting the results compared to the record year of 2022. The single largest impact of these market changes occurred in our Trans-Atlantic services, where we witnessed freight rates at a very high level at the beginning of the year before declining sharply in the second and third quarters and leveling off in the fourth quarter. These external factors also affected our international forwarding business, which nevertheless delivered solid results in 2023. At the end of the year, we once again entered a period of volatility in global freight rates, with sharp increases in major trade lanes following the grave situation in the Red Sea, which unfortunately has not been resolved at the time of writing.
Sustainability continues to be at the forefront of our corporate strategy and is integrated into our culture. We were proud to introduce new public sustainability targets in 2023. Among these targets is our ambition to increase the proportion of women in senior management positions, which has been steadily rising. We took a significant step in the beginning of 2024 when Jónína Guðný Magnúsdóttir joined our Executive Management team, making it the first time in the company’s history to have three women in such positions. In the environmental category, we have set an extremely ambitious target of reaching net zero by 2040. Given that 96% of our Scope 1 emissions arise from our vessel fleet, it is clear that an energy transition in our home market is needed to reach this goal. We remain hopeful that the Icelandic government will commit to being a part of this global trend by supporting further green energy production, essential for reversing climate change.
Strategic Sailing System Changes
Recognizing the trend of declining freight rates at the beginning of the year, we initiated the design of sailing system changes. The purpose of these changes was clear from the beginning: to save costs, decrease bunker consumption, and reduce carbon emissions while maintaining excellent and reliable service. Changing a system of this scale and complexity takes time. We implemented the first phase of the system changes in May 2023 and harvested the benefits over the next months. The second phase was implemented at the end of February 2024. It was not solely the revenue decrease caused by swift changes in the market environment that incentivized us to draw up sailing system changes, but we are also responding to new environmental regulations such as IMO’s CII rules and the implementation of shipping into the EU ETS system. On top of the regulatory requirements, we feel more demand than ever from our customers to make ocean transportation, already one of the most efficient modes of transportation in terms of carbon emissions, even more environmentally friendly. That aligns well with our ambitious target of reaching carbon neutrality by 2040.
Employee Engagement
We firmly believe that the foundation for performance is based on employee satisfaction, and we continue to put great emphasis on employee wellness and development. Employee engagement is one of our most important KPIs, and we were pleased to see the results of the 2023 engagement survey. It showed that our engagement level not only increased from the previous year but also that we are doing better on this measure than international companies in similar sectors. Opportunities for employees to learn and develop play an important part in employee engagement, and we continue to invest in resources that support employee development. In 2023, we launched a modern digital learning management platform that transforms the ways our employees can access training and learning material. Annually, we conduct international leadership training programs, and I am proud to share that out of 105 employees who have completed the program since 2022, 34 have already gained increased responsibilities, either by promotion to a new role or expansion of their current role.
Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude to all our stakeholders, who have each, in their own manner, supported our strategic direction in recent years. The Board of Directors, on behalf of our shareholders, has provided firm guidance and constructive feedback on relevant matters. Our employees have demonstrated both resourcefulness and resilience, providing excellent service to our customers in a highly dynamic environment. Our customers motivate us to continue to offer excellent service, being proactive and solution-oriented in meeting their total logistical needs.

Óskar was born in 1954 and lives in Iceland. He is a well-known writer and has published eight books in recent years; two collections, of short stories and four novels. He is a farmer on the south coast of Iceland. Óskar has been a Board member of Samherji hf. since 1998 and is currently the Vice-chairman of the Board, as well as a board member of Seley ehf. and Board member of several other companies within the Samherji group. He is the chairman of the Icelandic landowners Association. He has previously been a Vice-chairman of the Icelandic Bar Association and served on various boards of retail companies. Óskar was Publisher/CEO and a major shareholder of Árvakur hf. from 2009 to 2015, President/CEO of Tryggingamiðstöðin hf. and TM Life Insurance hf. from 2004 to 2007, President/CEO of Vodafone Iceland from 2001 to 2004, Executive Chairman of Baugur from 1998 to 1999 and President/CEO of Hagkaup hf. supermarkets, which later became part of Baugur Corporation, from 1993 to 1998. Óskar has served on the city council in his community as well as being the parish chairman since 2004. He is a member of the church parliament in Iceland. Óskar has been a Supreme Court Attorney since 1993. He graduated with an LL.M. degree in International Business Law from George Washington University Law School in 1986, and with a Cand.jur. degree from the University of Iceland in 1983. He owns 14,056 shares in the Company, but no share options. Óskar was a Board member in 2019, an alternate member of the Board from 2020 to 2022 and is currently the Chairman of the Board of Eimskipafélag Íslands, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Nomination Committee. Óskar is not independent of Seley ehf., which holds, in total, 55.6 million shares in the Company, at year-end 2023.

Margrét was born in 1954 and lives in Iceland. She is a member of the Board of Festi, Board member of Eignarhaldsfélagið Lyng ehf, Hekla hf., Hekla Fasteignir ehf. and Paradís ehf. Margrét was the Chairman of the European Surgical Trade Association from 2011 to 2013 and a member of its Board from 2009 to 2015. She was the Chairman of Félag atvinnurekenda from 2009 to 2013, a member of the Board of Reiknistofa bankanna from 2010 to 2011 and 2016 to 2018, the Board of Isavia from 2017 to 2018 and the Board of SPRON from 2008 to 2009. Margrét was the CEO of Icepharma hf., from 2005 to 2016. Prior to that she was the Retail Manager of Skeljungur from 1995 to 2005, director of various business segments of Kuwait Petroleum (Denmark) A/S from 1986 to 1995, and HR Development Manager at Dansk ESSO (later Statoil) from 1982 to 1986. Margrét was Assistant Secretary General of AIESEC International in Brussels from 1978 to 1979. Margrét holds a Cand. oecon. degree in economics and business administration from the University of Iceland, a Cand. merc. degree from the Copenhagen Business School and Executive education from CEDEP/Insead in France. Margrét owns 12,772 shares in the Company but no share options. Margrét has been a member of the Board since 25 March 2021 and is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. and a member of the Nomination Committee. She has no interest links with the Company’s main clients, competitors, or major shareholders.

Guðrún was born in 1960 and lives in Iceland. Guðrún is a Board member of Landsbankinn hf. and a member of the bank’s Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Sustainability Committee. From 2013 to 2018, Guðrún was CEO of Nasdaq CSD Iceland (Nasdaq Central Securities Depository Iceland). In 2012 and 2013, she was a Board member of The Enterprise Investment Fund slhf., Reginn hf., Míla ehf., Vörður Insurance Company and Vörður Life Insurance. Previously from 2002 to 2012 Guðrún was CEO of Arion Custody Services, a leading provider in the Icelandic market of fund services, clearing, settlement, and local and global custody services to domestic and foreign financial institution. Prior to this Guðrún held various positions at Kaupthing hf. from 1984 to 2002, such as Executive Director, Corporate Director of Human Resources, Director of Marketing, and Director of Asset Management. Guðrún holds a Cand. Oecon degree from the University of Iceland. She is an independent Board member and owns neither shares nor share options in the Company. Guðrún has been a member of the Board of Directors since 6 September 2018 and is a member of the Remuneration Committee. Apart from being a Board member of Landsbankinn hf. she has no interest links with the Company’s main clients, competitors or major shareholders.

Lárus was born in 1961 and lives in Iceland. He is a Supreme Court Attorney and a Partner at Juris Law Offices. Lárus was a Partner at Almenna lögfrædistofan from 1990 to 2008. Lárus was a Board member of Orkusalan hf. from 2007 to 2022 and the Chairman of the Board of ISFI (Icelandic State Financial Investments) from 2015 to 2023. He has been a member of the Competition Appeals Committee since 2000 and its Vice-Chairman since 2009 and a member of the National Olympics and Sport Association’s executive committee since 2001, becoming its Vice-President in 2006 and its President from 2013. He has previously been a Board member of the Icelandic Bar Association, the University of Iceland’s Human Rights Institute, the University of Iceland’s Research Center in Environmental and Natural Resources Law, Hótel Borg ehf., Fastus ehf., the Housing Financing Fund, Chairman of the National Olympic and Sport Association’s legal committee, and a member of various other official committees and boards. Lárus has been a Supreme Court Attorney since 1998 and a District Court Attorney since 1990. He graduated with a Cand.jur. degree from the University of Iceland in 1987. Lárus has been on the Board of Directors since 27 March 2014 and is the Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Nomination Committee. He is an independent Board member and owns 2,989 shares in the Company but no share options. He has no interest links with the Company’s main clients, competitors or major shareholders.

Ólöf was born in 1977 and lives in Iceland. She is a Board member of SIV eignastýring hf. and SIV Credit Fund slhf. She was the CFO of atNorth ehf., the largest data center in Iceland, from 2019-2021. Prior to that she worked as an independent financial advisor and was a board member of Reginn hf. and a Board member and alternate Board member of VÍS hf. in 2018-2019. Ólöf worked at Arion bank and its predecessors from 1997 to 2017 in various roles e.g. as Head of Credit Structuring and Analysis, Deputy Head of IR, Investment Strategist and in Asset Management as a fund manager. Ólöf was also a member of the bank’s credit committees and asset and liability committee (ALCO). Ólöf holds a cand. oecon degree in economics and business administration with emphasis on finance from the University of Iceland.
Ólöf Hildur has been a member of the Board since 25 March 2021 and is currently a member of the Audit Committee. Ólöf Hildur indirectly owns 29,027 shares in the Company through her holding company but no share options. She has no interest links with the Company’s main clients, competitors, or major shareholders.

Baldvin was born in 1983 and lives in Norway. Baldvin was the Chairman of the Board of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. from 2018 to 2022. Previously he was the CEO of Iceland Drilling hf. from 2013 to 2016. He is currently a Chairman of the Board of Samherji hf. and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alda Seafood Holding B.V. He earned a BS degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Iceland in 2007. Baldvin has been an alternate member of the Board since 17 March 2022 and is currently a member of the Remuneration Committee. Baldvin owns 227,336 shares in the Company but does not have a share options agreement. He is not independent of Seley ehf., which holds 55.6 million shares in the Company at year-end of 2023.

Jóhanna was born in 1970 and lives in the Faroe Islands. Jóhanna is the CEO of Atlantic Airways Ltd. and has been since 2015. Jóhanna was the CEO of P/f Faroe Ship, Eimskip’s subsidiary in the Faroe Islands, from 2006 to 2015, Sales Director of JFK and Kósin Seafood from 1998 to 2006 and Sales Manager of Faroe Seafood France from 1994 to 1998. She is currently a Board member of the Faroese Confederation of Sports and Olympic Committees, Føroya Grunnurin, Norðoyatunnilin, House of Industry, Visit Faroe Islands and European Regions Airline Association. Jóhanna has a master’s degree in Management from Robert Gordon University in the UK. She further holds a degree from the Danish School of International Marketing and Export. Jóhanna has been an alternate member of the Board since 3. April 2013, is an independent Board member and owns neither shares nor share options in the Company. She has no interest links with the Company’s main clients, competitors or major shareholders.